Monday 24 December 2018

Importance of family values and friends

Importance of family values and friendship is known all over the world in every culture. A lot of people make it a goal to create a family. But having friends is normal for every person. Why do we consider these two aspects the most important in our lives? Let’s find out!

Importance of family and friends

Source: UGC

Importance of family

The concept of family and importance of family in society originated in the minds of mankind since primitive times. In ancient times there was a tradition: people gathered in clans. All members of the clan helped each other and called each other relatives. Important questions were decided at meetings. Young girls were chosen husbands, and young men - wives. All this was decided in a circle of friendly and caring people.

Today, nothing has changed: people live in families and whatever happens, they are always ready to help. Why is family so important?

The role of the family in a person’s life is very large. The importance of this component cannot be overemphasized. Our parents, close people since birth and throughout life, support us, because we are a family. Every person remembers them from childhood. Parents teach us everything they know themselves: thanks to them, we begin to walk, talk, hold a spoon, read and write. If we don’t have them - who would we be now? Since childhood, parents provide support. This is moral support, and then material support.

Every person needs support. Without support, depression, poor health, a drop in self-esteem can begin. No person can withstand such pressure from the inside. Parents are the people who can always support and help in any situation. Yes, sometimes, problems are too difficult or, at first glance. But there is always a person you can trust. No matter how old you are, whatever you do, whatever you are, your parents should always support and reassure you.

Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of good relations with their parents, and sometimes they cannot get support from them. There can be many reasons for this: misunderstandings, conflicts, differences of opinion. However, it is worth making maximum efforts in order to get close to your relatives. Sometimes it is very difficult, but it's never too late to ask for forgiveness or explain your point of view so that you are understood.

Importance of family

Photo: kuulpeeps
Source: UGC

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Do not forget that communication with parents can be not only pleasant, but also useful. They have a lot of life experience, which they are always happy to share. Few people will share the most secret as parents do. Therefore, in making decisions it is worth asking their opinion. The importance of family values is huge.

Importance of friends

We all need friends. It is difficult to put into words the huge role that good friends play in our lives. Some of our old friends, close friends are an important part of our lives for decades. And sometimes they stay close to us all life. As the old saying goes, ‘You can choose friends, but not family’. This means that the personal and positive nature of the friendship is completely voluntary. We choose our friends ourselves, based on the community of views, characters, way of thinking.

People are a social species and we must constantly experience this feeling of ‘belonging’, a feeling that we are appreciated by people around us, that someone cares about us. The importance of friendship is hard to overestimate. Close friends share experiences with each other and in some respects they live each other’s lives. They often have similar points of view and values, and they can share similar landmarks and traditions. Together they meet important events and unexpected life changes, ups and downs, celebrations and sorrows.

People without friends often feel lonely. This is an acute and painful condition that many of us have felt at some point in our life. To live without friends at all is very difficult.

We learn to be friends in early childhood, when young people learn to interact with others. They learn how to agree and disagree with others, how to use meaningful words and gestures correctly in order to adapt to the temperaments of others. These early skills are the basis for later friendships.

When people feel sad, they often turn to old friends for support and advice. But in times of deep depression, they may try to avoid contact with people, either because of a lack of energy, or because they consider their problems unworthy of the attention of others. However, it is at such times that they most need the support of others.

Importance of friends

Source: UGC

One study by American psychologists found that those people who had close friends, live better than those who were less sociable. This is the importance of friendship. Close friendships improve one's mood and emotional and physical health. Friendship needs to be strengthened and cherished so that it remains meaningful for many years.

Nowadays, people very often seek a replacement for real friendships in the virtual world. Social networks that supposedly give people the opportunity to make new friends through sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and myriads of others, unfortunately, have little in common with real friendship. Such an online friendship is more ‘fake’ than real. The exchange of emoticons and likes and other ‘friendly’ manifestations on social networks sometimes, do not give an opportunity to feel the real value of friendly communication. Social networks can never replace the authenticity and closeness of personal friendships.

Those feelings and experiences that you shared with your friends in good and sad times will forever remain among your most valuable memories. Simply good friendships are one of the best things in our lives. So be sure to cherish your family and friends!

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