Tuesday 4 June 2019

You will be surprised by these types of magic

A lot of contemporary films, games and TV shows about superheroes and superhuman abilities evoke blue-sky thinking. If you have ever dreamed of having a superpower but did not know which one, we offer you the list of types of magic to kick start y.our dreams

Types of magic

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Source: UGC

Superpowers entertain us through films, from movies, games and books. If you envy your favourite heroes and want to know more about the types of magic powers, you have an excellent opportunity to do so now.

Top 5 types of magic

Elements of magic are contained in the religious traditions of most nations of the world. Defining the different types of magic is as complicated as defining magic itself. Magic practitioners all over the globe recognize multiple types of magic; we will tell you about the most generally used types:

  • Ceremonial magic, also known as high magic, is a common term used in the Western world to describe various lengthy, elaborate and complex magical rituals. Ceremonial magic is called so because it includes ceremonies and a variety of necessary magic tools designed to promote this practice.
  • Folk magic is a summary of accumulated knowledge, beliefs and skills based on the theory and experiences of indigenous persons and people of different cultures, regardless of whether we can explain them or not. This practice is used to maintain health, as well as for the prevention, diagnosis and improvement of physical and mental disorders.
  • One of the most ancient kinds of magic is witchcraft. It could be both black and white. In the old days, witches are not only evil women but also herbalists and healers who practised only white magic.
  • The magic of the left and right hand, unfortunately, does not have an exact definition. The followers of the left-hand movement are those who worship everything connected with evil. The followers of the right-hand magic path are those who are engaged in healing and helping.
  • Black and white magic are the most ancient teachings and cause anxiety and fear. Magicians involved in this type of activity are deemed strange in our modern society. In the world of magic, there is no clear division by colour. This is a specific field of activity in different directions.
Magic abilities

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Source: UGC

Top types of magic powers

The topic of magic powers is especially popular among teenagers. Some dream of being invulnerable, and some invisible, some people want to be able to pass through walls, and others want to move at the speed of light. A wide range of such dreams inspired the authors of comics, and then — filmmakers. Here is the list of magical powers that are known in the contemporary world:

  • Abberation (distortion) is the ability to distort either reality or time. The power is very dangerous, and it is too hard to master. Most often it is manifested in people with physical disabilities or in mutants who have experienced severe stress.
  • Absolute memory is instant memorization of any amount of information and long-term storage of it in mind.
  • Autogenesis is the ability to create any chemically poisonous gas from the air or other gaseous substances, but it is impossible to control their movement. The most interesting thing is that it is only the first stage in the development of this ability: the second is a manifestation of technology, or control of machinery, mechanisms (not electrics!)
  • The generation of spikes on the body means the emergence from the skin of poisonous spikes.
  • Poison generation is the ability to generate poison from the palms, hands, and other parts of the body.
  • Hydrokinesis is the ability to control water.
  • Hypnosis is the introduction of an opponent into some kind of trance, to control people to their own will.
Magic power

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Source: UGC

  • The deformation of reality is a change of reality or adjusting it for yourself.
  • Agnosticism. With the help of voice vibrations, it is possible to control people and other creatures, subjugating their minds to themselves. Few people have immunity to this power.
  • The adamantium skeleton is more likely not an ability, but simply a rare phenomenon, also acquired as a result of surgical intervention. Adamantium is super strong, and it cannot be destroyed, which makes the skeleton invulnerable.
  • Adsorption is the magic power giving one the opportunity to absorb any objects.
  • Allyurism (running) is the ability to develop fast speed. The body is rebuilt under pressure for the development of high speed. If people mastered this power well, they would be able to reach the speed that is numerically equal to the speed of light.
  • Ammonalism is the ability to create ammonia crystals and explode everything with their help. It is a dangerous superpower because the outcome of the explosion is unpredictable. The larger the created crystal, the greater the blast wave.

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  • Amphibicism. With this ability, you can be under water for eternity: your airways are rearranged in such a way that the fish gills work. People with this power cannot stay without water for a long time.
  • Analyticism is the power to quickly analyze (think through) situations of various kinds in critical situations. Everything is explained very simply: adrenaline entering the blood stimulates gene X, which begins to accelerate all body functions. In such cases, the ability is very similar to Allyurism, but there is one thing: after the "speed bursts", a person is very depleted. The same happens with a very long flow of adrenaline in the blood.
  • Animalism, in other words, is partial transformational animal instincts, a manifestation of animal habits, some features of external similarity (eyes with an elongated pupil, sharp teeth, slightly pointed ears, excessive amount of hair).
  • Amorphism is magic to turn things into a gaseous substance of any structure (even into hazardous gases). This ability also includes the management of gases, but not their creation. It does not allow one to control the air.
Magical abilities

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Source: UGC

  • The healing effect of blood is the ability to cure anyone who comes into contact with your blood.
  • Cyberpaths means thinking like a computer, as quickly as possible to get the necessary information from memory, to perform several tasks at the same time and to work with computers as efficiently as possible.
  • Control over consciousness is temporary control over the mind of an enemy.
  • Energy control means pumping electricity from sockets, high-voltage lines, and so on, turning it into its own bioenergy.
  • Copying yourself involves creating a countless number of your exact copies.
  • Annihilation is the destruction of something, the disintegration of an object into molecules.
  • Anthropomorphism is the transfer of inherent human mental properties on the phenomena of nature (for example, if you are angry, the hurricane began on the street). The second stage of such manifestation is the partial control of the weather (call for rain, "acceleration" of clouds, etc.). Do not confuse this with the control of the weather.
  • Apiterism is the ability to restore other living beings, except yourself. This can be said to be the opposite of regeneration.
  • Underwater breathing involves breathing underwater or in any other environment where there is no air.
Magic abilities

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Source: UGC

  • Slow ageing means all ageing processes are slowed.
  • Protective field involves creating a protective field from telepathic, psionic, physical and other types of attacks.
  • Sound waves involve creating powerful sound waves with your own voice. It also involves the ability to use ultrasonic waves to drive people into a trance or make them lose consciousness.
  • Apperception is the perception of psionic fields, reading information from biofields.
  • Astral projection is the creation of the so-called astral twin (non-material translucent substance, an exact copy of the creator, a kind of "soul out of the body").
  • Timelessness is stopping time. That is, a person is able to stop time for a few seconds or to increase its temporal speed (that is, the ability of a partial jump in time). Also, this person can stop time for someone else.
  • Immortality is a very rare ability, and it signifies eternal life.
  • Isolation of pheromones is an ability through which you can cause illness or even death.
  • Wings can be angelic, or similar to the wings of a dragonfly. Here, of course, there is the ability to fly.
Magic types

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Source: UGC

  • Atrophism is the ability to restore the body (even after a rupture on a nuclear bomb), decrease or increase in size, as well as do the same with any part of the body.
  • Autogenism is mind control. It can be said that autogenism is telepathy's sister.
  • Aeration is air control. It is not weather control. A person with this power can cause a small whirlwind or a huge tornado.
  • Biovampirism means "feeding" with human emotions and memories at a distance or when touched.
  • Blocking someone else's abilities is depriving the abilities of your opponent temporarily.
  • A vision of the aura is seeing the aura or its parts.
  • Vision in the dark is the ability that does not need much explanation.
  • Levitation is the ability to overcome gravity.
  • Treatment is treating others with the help of your hands.
  • Magnetism is the ability to create magnetic fields of any form (both natural and artificial) and control them only with a small degree of concentration.
  • Invisibility is when a person becomes invisible.
  • Invulnerability is the ability that also needs no comment.
  • Mental control allows you to manipulate the consciousness of a person.
Different types of magic

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Source: UGC

  • Aggravated feelings mean all 5 senses are maximally aggravated.
  • Animate drawing is the ability to animate your own drawing.
  • Pyrogeneration is one of the ways of regeneration. It is the healing of wounds with the help of fire.
  • Pyrokinesis is fire control.
  • Power absorption is the ability to absorb someone else's power, knowledge, memory when touched.
  • Energy absorption from the environment is the ability to absorb such energy as sunlight, electricity and store it in the cells of the own body.
  • Jumping involves jumping to a great height as well as length.
  • Psychometric abilities, as a rule, is reading information about an object or person at a distance or when touched.
  • Radar is the ability to detect and locate objects.
  • Stretching one's body is the ability to lengthen various parts of one's own body.
  • X-ray view
  • Communication with animals is communicating with any animal or insect.
Magical powers

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Source: UGC

  • Photokinesis is the ability to produce light that can dazzle, hurt or, on the contrary, heal.
  • Telepathy is the ability to read minds, or vice versa, to imanipulate thoughts in the consciousness of another person.
  • Teleportation means the power of instant (or very fast) movement over long distances.
  • Technomancy
  • Technopathy is the control of technology at a distance.
  • Ice control is the control of ice and cold, the ability to create ice figures.
  • Walking on the walls
  • Empathy is the power to feel other people's emotions, feelings, fears and the ability to influence them.
  • Clairvoyance is the anticipation events that will occur in the future.
  • Telekinesis is moving objects by force of thought.
Magic powers

Image: unsplash.com
Source: UGC

Now you can see that there are different types of magic and a lot of various magic powers. Some people are capable of much of what seems to be impossible, and some have sacred knowledge closed from the eyes of others.

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Source: Legit

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