Tuesday 4 June 2019

UN reacts as death toll hits 30 in Khartoum, Sudan following army raid

- Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, was on Monday, June 3, turned into a battlefield as security forces class with protesting civilians asking for a radical regime change

- Unrest in the country between the two groups broke when the military removed the former President Omar al-Bashir

- Death toll from the clash has risen to 30 in the recent fight between the two groups on Monday with the possibility of it escalating

Sudan's capital Khartoum was on Monday, June 3, turned into a bloody battlefield between the security forces and stubborn civilians demanding for a radical regime change.

Chaos broke out when the Transitional Military Council (TMC), which took over after the army deposed and imprisoned the now former president Omar al-Bashir, dispatched troops to the capital to disperse protesters demanding for a civilian rule.

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South uprising; Death toll hits 30 as army clash with protesters in Khartoum, UN reacts

At least 30 people have reportedly been killed since the army on Monday, June 3, moved to capital Khartoum to eject the protesters. Photo: Getty Images.

The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors privy to the situation on the ground on Monday evening indicated death toll had risen from nine to 30 and several other civilians were wounded in the wake of the new clashes.

"The (death) toll...has risen to more than 30 with hundreds wounded," the medical group linked to the protesters said as quoted by various international and local news outlets.

Gunshots could be heard in Khartoum as the heavily armed security forces engaged the protesting civilians in running battles for the better part of Monday.

The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors accused the army of using live ammunition to disperse the demonstrators.

Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) added the ruling TMC had deployed a huge number of soldiers to eject the protesters who had pitched tent in the capital right outside the army headquarters.

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The army, however, denied reports it had sent soldiers to kill civilians saying the security forces were only pursuing 'unruly elements' allegedly responsible for causing chaos.

“The Transitional Military Council regrets the way the situation unfolded, reaffirming its full commitment to the safety of the citizens and renews call for negotiations as soon as possible,” the council said in a statement amid rising tension and global concern over the latest killings.

United Nations (UN) Human Rights on Monday condemned the use of live ammunition on protesters and the reported killings in Sudan.

The UN also called for a speedy transition to a civilian government as was being demanded by the protesting citizens.

"We deplore the use of live ammunition in protest camps, targeting #peaceful protestors who have been an inspiration over the past months. We call for a swift transition to a civilian administration, #justice & an end to impunity," the organisation said.

There was some hope Sudan would regain peace and political stability when Bashir's near three-decade rule ended in April 2019 following months of street protests against him.

However, the much needed peace and stability remained elusive as the civilians, feeling shortaged by the army, continued to demand for a civilian rule saying they were tired of a military rule and would only leave the streets once their demands are met.

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Meanwhile, Legit.ng previously reported that after almost 30 years in power, Sudan president al-Bashir was removed and arrested, the defence minister, Awad Ibn Ouf, confirmed.

Speaking on state TV, Ibn Ouf, said the army has concluded to oversee a two-year transitional period that would be followed by elections.

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UN reacts as death toll hits 30 in Khartoum, Sudan following army raid
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