Thursday 6 June 2019

Top ideas on how to propose a girl romantically

One of the best feelings in the world is finding someone you love, and them loving you in return. It not only gives you an exceptional sense of belonging, but it also adds to your list of things that you are grateful for. However, the question of how to propose a girl can be stressful.

How to propose a girl

Source: UGC

Proposing a girl, however, requires you to have hot and touchy messages that can intrigue her to say yes. Do not be corny or weird, but speak or write what you feel. There are tips nonetheless on how to propose a girl that you can use.

Be sure she is the one

best proposal

Image:, @darkskinwomen
Source: UGC

It is the most natural step that you can commence with when it comes to asking for her hand in marriage. When you are confident she is the one, it is easier for you to come up with a proposal message. The connection you have with someone you deeply cherish is strong enough to show you precisely what you should do and in which way.

Involve her parents

If you are close with her folks, you can share with them the idea and preferably ask them to help you surprise their daughter. The aim is to make the woman of your life say yes, and this one will add to your likelihood of getting a yes.

Be yourself

proposing a girl

Image:, @joellemeaghan
Source: UGC

Your partner already knows who you are, especially if you have been together for long. You thus do not have to try so hard. However, make sure your proposal is unique and sweet. Make her feel special in your love proposal.

Pick a special day

There are those days that are special to both of you or just her. Pick one of those days and prepare proposal quotes for her. For example, her birthday, St. Valentine day or Christmas. It is not only adorable, but it is also one of the best love proposals.

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Rooftop sunset viewing

love proposal

Source: UGC

There is no better moment than when the sun is setting, and the rays are on your face. It gives you that nostalgic feel. This is what is likely to happen to the love of your life. It is thus an excellent time to ask for her hand in marriage.

Zip lining

propose a girl

Source: UGC

If your girl is adventurous, you can take her for zip lining and wait for her at the end of the rope with a ring on your hand. It will not only be the best proposal, but it will keep her heart racing.

In the presence of her friends or colleagues

You can arrange a surprise alongside her friends or her colleagues. Arrange for something to be delivered to her or even a role play. This will get her in a sweet and emotional mood. You can also wear her name on your shirt or just several people holding letters adding up to “WILL YOU BE MY FOREVER? “It works in 99% of proposals.

Serenade her

Cute proposal

Source: UGC

Music is one thing that connects people in a real way, especially the lyrics. You can, therefore, sing a love song such as Marry me by Jason Derulo. If your voice is screechy, you can get someone to sing it while you stand there looking into her eyes telling her the best proposal quotes before you pop the question.

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Dinner on a cruise ship

If you can afford it, one of the best ways to propose a girl is to prepare a candlelight dinner on a cruise ship. The soothing sea breeze will put her in a romantic mood and thus you can ask the big question. This will be an ultimate yes.

Apart from having the right idea or method, you should ensure your propose quotes are touchy. Do not just ask 'will you marry me'. Let her feel you had planned this and that it did not only occur to you. The following are some of the proposals quotes you can use to get the mood going.

How to propose a girl using love proposal quotes

proposing quotes

Image: (modified by author)
Source: UGC

  • “My eyes search for you when you are not around. My heart aches when I don’t find you. You are the reason for all my happiness, and without you, my life would be so dull. All I want in my life is that we stay together for all our lives. I love you.” — Unknown author
  • “For once in my life, I don’t have to try to be happy. When I’m with you, it just happens.” — Unknown author
  • "There comes a time when you meet someone and all you want to do is make them smile for the rest of your life." — Unknown author
  • “You are the happiness of my life, and you are the smile of my lips, I am alive to see you anytime, your cute smile gives me power. Please don’t ever leave.” — Unknown author
  • “I ask you to pass through life at my side to be my second self and the best earthly companion.” — Charlotte Bronte
  • “You know you’re in love when you don’t want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” — Suess
  • “Love doesn’t make the world go round, Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” — Franklin, P. Jones
  • “Grow old along with me, and the best is yet to be” — Robert Browing; this is one of the best proposal lines
  • “The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere; They’re in each other all along. “ — Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi
  • “I love you, not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you. I love you, not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are making of me.” — Roy Croft
  • “Your love is something that I can’t control. You are on my mind and heart all the time. Before I met you, I was not familiar with the feeling of love. My heart misses its beats when I come close to you. I love you.” — Unknown author
  • “I do not know how to spend my life without you. I don’t know it’s good or bad, but you have become my habit now. I can’t resist you. All I know is that I will forget every problem when I lean my head on your shoulder. I love you.” — Unknown author
  • “When we first met, my life had no special purpose, and I only felt a void that you filled when I fell deeply in love with you. There are so many things I need to let go, but you’re not one of them. I want you for the rest of my life; I love you.” — Unknown author

Marriage is a beautiful thing which should have a beautiful beginning. It is thus essential to make the day you ask your girlfriend to marry you very memorable. Purpose to make it a day that you both will cherish for the rest of your life through your love proposal quotes. How to propose a girl might seem demanding at the beginning, but via the guidelines above, it is worth it.

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Source: Legit

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