Friday 19 April 2019

Easy steps to follow on how to pierce your nose at home

Only several years ago, A piercing was considered a sign of informality. Today, a lot of stylish people have this body decoration. Did you know, by the way, that it is quite easy to pierce your nose on your own? If not, and you are wondering “How to pierce your nose at home?” go on reading this article!

How to pierce your nose

Image: (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Since a professional nose piercing is expensive, you may decide to do it on your own at home. To do it successfully it is essential to follow the rules of hygiene. If you are brave enough and crave to get new experience, this article will help you.

How to pierce your nose in several simple steps?

Start the algorithm “How to pierce your own nose?” with a straightforward action: reassure that you really want it. One you decided firmly follow the following steps of nose piercing:

1. Imagine what your piercing should look like. There are various types of nose piercing. Choose which one you want to do. Moreover, imagine how you will look with this piercing, which forms of decoration you are going to wear and where exactly on your nose you want to see it. You may use different rhinestone or even artificial piercing to see the full picture of how you will look.

2. Buy jewellery. You can choose a stud, ring or bar. Look for something suitable in jewellery stores, tattoo parlours or souvenir stores. If you know exactly what you want, you can search on the internet where you can order the jewellery. It is crucial to choose the right size, length and even weight of the piece. The decoration must be new and sterile. It is not allowed to insert previously used jewellery. Moreover, certain metals can cause allergy. It is better to use such metals as titanium, surgical stainless steel, niobium, and gold. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid plastic and nylon (they are soft and brittle, and may provoke inflammation), sterling silver and plated metals (silver may interfere with the healing process of a fresh nose piercing while plated gold may wear off). However, if, after making the piercing, you notice that the skin is inflamed or you feel constant pain and discomfort, you should immediately remove the jewellery and consult a doctor.

How to pierce your own nose

Source: UGC

3. Clean your skin properly. The skin on the nose should be clean, and antiseptics may help you in it. If you do the piercing on the dirty skin, you can bring the infection to the wound. Even several days before the procedure, pay particular attention to your facial routine, wash your face using a special pore cleanser, soap or scrubs.

4. Prepare a needle. The needle must be new and sterilised. One has to know that there are different types of needles:

  • 20 Gauge (about 0.8mm) is the smallest type of hollow needle. It is used in Ear and Nose piercing
  • 18 Gauge (about 0.1mm) is also used by piercers to pierce nose and ears
  • 16 Gauge (1.3mm hollow needle) is used in piercings like cartilage, eyebrow, monroe, tragus, helix, conch, and rook
  • 14 Gauge (1.6 mm needle) is used in the navel, belly button, tongue, labret, eyebrow and nipple piercings

5. After making all the preparations, remove the needle from the package. Before piercing the skin with it, make sure that it is sterile, and the tool is hygienic too. Pulling the needle out of the package, do not put it anywhere. If you still need to put it, use a clean cloth or sterilised container. Moreover, make sure your hands are clean too. Use medical gloves to diminish the risk of infection. Do not forget that your jewellery must be ready and sterilised also.

6. Make a mark on the nose using a pen or marker. Draw a small dot on the skin where you want the decoration to be placed. Look in the mirror and make sure that everything is okay and the position of the mark corresponds to the desired one. If the point is too low or too high, erase it with the help of alcohol and draw a new one. Do not be lazy to redraw until you achieve the desired result!

7. You can use ice to make the puncture site numb. The use is quite simple: apply an ice bag to the nostril (or to the place you are going to pierce) and hold until you no longer feel the tissue. Several minutes will be enough. However, keep in mind that from cold the skin will become tighter and it will be harder to pierce it.

Nose piercing

Source: UGC

8. One may use a clamp for piercing. It will help you to fix the place of puncture. Although you may pierce your nose without its help (if you have a desire), it is still safer to buy this tool, and it will be useful in the process of nose piercing at home.

9. Calm down. It is definitely one of the most critical steps and at the same time the most difficult ones. Take a deep breath before you begin. If your hands are shaking, then try to calm down and relax. Think of the fact that nose piercing compared to other types of it is a relatively painless and straightforward procedure, think of the result and your satisfaction from it. In fact, it is not so difficult to pierce the nose, since there is a bit of skin and fat in it, so the layer of skin is rather thin.

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10. The most decisive step: pierce your nose! Looking in the mirror, lean the needle to the mark you drew. Take a deep breath and quickly pierce your nose. Yes. It hurts, and you will feel pain, that is why you have to do everything decisively and fast. Remember that the quicker you make a puncture, the faster it will end. It is important not to push the needle too deep into the nostril. If you are piercing the side of the nostrils, then try not to insert the needle too deep. Otherwise, it may feel very unpleasant and painful, or you risk to pierce more parts of your nose than needed.

11. Immediately insert your accessories. The hole will start to close as soon as you remove the needle. If you want the decoration to fit perfectly in the hole, the wound should heal around your decoration but not without it.

Remember that healing time may be different and depends on your skin and type of piercing:

  • Nostril: 4-6 months
  • Septum: 6-8 weeks
  • Rhino or Vertical: 6-9 months
  • Nasallang: 4-6 months
  • Bridge: 8-12 weeks

How to pierce your nose at home and take care of it?

How to pierce your nose at home?

Source: UGC

To pierce the nose is only a half of the affair because the result depends on the way your decoration heals up:

  • You should avoid infections, pus and inflammations. Treat your nose several times a day inside and outside. If you put a ring in your nose, scroll slightly while processing and do not forget to wash your hands before doing it. Moreover, it is necessary to use only new and fresh tools like cotton sponges, cotton balls or bulb.
  • If you are worried that a puncture could cause an infection, treat the piercing every few hours. When you see that the wound gets better, you may do it more rarely.
  • Although you have to be careful with infection, remember that during the first few days after the piercing, the nose will be swollen and painful. After some days, it should get better. However, be careful if your nose experiences persistent swelling, pus, aches or pain, and moreover excessive bleeding. Besides, if you have a bump, it is a sign of infection. A bump can also be caused by an allergic reaction to an accessorise or poor hygiene. In this case, you should consult a doctor, and the faster – the better.

  • Perhaps, to prevent infection, it is worth treating a wound with antibacterial soap and ointment like “Neomycin”. It will help avoid inflammation. Do not forget that if you do not regularly process piercings, you may have to take strong antibiotics that are expensive and of little use to the body.
  • Do not remove the jewellery for about eight weeks and keep in mind that the healing process may take from 12 to 24 weeks. Moreover, avoid touching the pierced place when unnecessary and do not treat the piercing with alcohol. Otherwise, the puncture site will dry out and become covered with a crust.
  • Do not "play" with the decoration. It may seem that if you scroll the decoration, the puncture will heal faster. In fact, you will only tear the wound, delaying the healing process.
  • Be careful while sleeping: avoid taking poses that may tear your wound. Moreover, remember that such “wound” is a stress for your organism, so just after the operation has been made, avoid going in for sports or consuming alcohol. Have a rest and avoid dusty places, swimming pools, or even washing your face with water. Remember: during the first days concentrate on sterility and disinfection!

Hopefully, you found the answer to the question “How to pierce your nose at home?” You may see, that it is not so difficult, but it requires efforts, braveness and seriousness of intentions. However, if you strictly follow the rules of hygiene, you will succeed.

DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!

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Easy steps to follow on how to pierce your nose at home
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