To be a spouse of a celebrity is not an easy task. It takes a lot of courage and patience to be constantly in the limelight. Such a situation illustrates the position of Ben Shapiro wife – Mor Shapiro. If you want to know more about this lady, go on reading!

Source: UGC
Many people are at least partially acquainted with Ben Shapiro work: he is a columnist, activist, political commentator, radio talk show host, author and at the same time an attorney. This man seems to be able to withstand any hot political dispute. At the same time, he often mentions his wife in his interviews and speeches. So which woman has he chosen as a wife?
Top 10 facts about Ben Shapiro wife
Ben Shapiro's family consists of his two children, and, of course, his beloved spouse Mor Toledano who took her husband’s family name and is now called Mor Shapiro. This woman is not as famous as her husband, but she also performs an important social function. Below you will find the top facts about her:
- Mor got married when she was only 20 years old. The event took place in 2008; therefore today she is 31. Her husband wrote in one of his articles:
"I got married last week... I am 24 years old. My wife is 20. Together we plan, with the help of God, on having healthy, happy, freedom-loving children who will grow up with the security provided by the armed guard."

Source: UGC
- Mor is fascinated with medicine. She first attended University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Later she got her MD degree from David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.
- Currently, the woman works with the Family Medicine Residency Program at Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Fontana, California. Her sphere is women’s health, resident education and behavioural health.
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- This lady founded the DGSOM UCLA Ethics Symposium, which became an annual event.
- This beautiful woman gave birth to two children together with her beloved man: a daughter born in 2014 and a son born in 2016.
- Mor is a caring and attentive mother. A couple of months ago Ben wrote on his Twitter:
“My wife (who, it is rumoured, is a doctor) stayed up all night with my five-year-old because my girl has a brutal cough due to flu (tonight is my turn). My wife then got up and went to work to care for her patients. That's feminism. Not murdering babies outside the womb.”

Source: UGC
- Mor is believed to have never dated a non-jewish man. Besides, Ben Shapiro and his wife got engaged very fast, only after three months of dating.
- Shapiro wife has singing skills. Mor was a member of an Accapella group at her medical school.
- Ben’s wife is not a public personality, and you will not find her Instagram or Facebook.
- Mor has African (Moroccan) roots. Her parents immigrated from Morocco many years ago, butther lady was born in Israel and moved to California at the age of twelve.
Ben Shapiro wife, Mor, despite being a less public personality in comparison with her husband, also leads an active life and earns her living. With her lifestyle, she proves that fame and success are not intertwined, and besides, her profession is really respectable and no less meaningful as Ben’s.
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