People trust in the Lord in different parts of the world. They believe in Him through all life situations either good or bad. This belief helps not to lose hope in this complicated and confused world, but how do you trust Him in any case? How do you rely on God in solving your complex problems?

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There is an expression "all in God's hand". Accordingly, the Lord makes the final decision in all situations. Everyone sees life in their own way, and it is not surprising, because we are all different. Everybody builds his or her life as one can. You may ask then: "How to trust someone else in this life? How to honestly believe in the Lord?" Keep reading, and you will find out the answers.
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How to trust in God in every situation
It is much easier to believe in something when there is a positive example. To find these examples, we read sacred books such as the Bible, the Gospel, the Good Book, etc. Such texts give us a pattern of a righteous, honest life. We take them as an example of imitation because the stories that are told in them are full of life wisdom. They bring up the best qualities in us, say about kindness, sincerity, etc.
These texts give us a chance for a better life. There are many examples in Holy books about faith in God, about people who entrusted their lives to the Lord and only benefited from it. For example, the apostle Peter followed the Savior on the water. He had no particular choice because there was a powerful thunderstorm. Frightened by the storm, he merely went to the call of the Lord and remained alive.

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This story is a very vivid example of a person’s trust in God. The essence of this story is that in any situation Lord will support you. A person should not be afraid of difficulties, because the Lord is the reliance which is near in any problematic situation. Do not forget that He always remembers about us. Even when it seems that no one needs us, God loves and does not forget about His children. "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me." (Psalm 50:14)
How to confidently trust in the Lord
From another point of view, who else can you trust? People are very changeable, and it is not always possible to understand the motive of their actions. Everyone had a life situation when a person is entirely different from the image they have created. No one will succeed from blindly trusting another person. God is the only proof of pure, unselfish faith.
It is imperative for a person to believe in something. Faith is an important spiritual component of the life of each person. It is essential to trust the Lord because unlike people, He loves us the way we are. He always keeps us, saves and protects. "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all." (John 1:5)
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You can confidently trust in God, and the more you reflect on this, the more your faith becomes stronger. First-time blind faith compares to the feat because it requires great determination. Not all people can stop completely controlling all the aspects of their lives, but trusting in God requires that. A person needs to understand that he or she cannot keep everything in this life under control. When a person opens the heart to God every day, he or she manages to trust Him more easily.
What trust really means?

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It is not necessary to attend church to show your faith. Prayer is a thin thread that binds your soul and the Lord. With it, everyone can turn to God directly at any second. You can live in this state of trust because it gives a sense of security. This feeling is fundamental because sometimes there are challenging situations in which no one can help us. This sense of God's security calms us.
The path to God is a straight road, but it demands our bravery. Usually, this path alters us. We can notice these changes, even if we do not understand this immediately. Faith opens our eyes to new horizons. It opens our eyes to this beautiful world, in which there are millions of doors, and it also helps us find the right one. Trust in God helps us to see our real purpose in life. "Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you." (Psalm 84:11-12)
How to trust God completely in everything? To do this, you must carefully treat your life and notice how wisely The Heavenly Father arranges circumstances. After all, there is nothing accidental. All situations and accidents are connected by invisible blessed threads of God's providence.

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You need to learn how to notice it. Sometimes circumstances are absolutely unpleasant. In this situation, you just need to keep faith in the Lord. After all, He will tell you how to emerge victorious from difficulties.
Very often, people do not understand what they really want. Trusting in the Lord helps us maintain a happy life. After all, how many troubles could happen if He fulfilled all the desires, and not just helped a person take the right path? God is not a Gene who satisfies all the whims of humanity.
You can turn to Him for help, for advice. He never forgets about our existence even for a second. “Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.” (Exodus 19:5)
It is essential to trust in the Lord in every situation because it is the only way not to give up. Faith helps us to work towards our goals confidently. It helps us to live an authentic, sincere, real life. Faith, hope and love are the three main components of a natural, abundant life. After all, isn't it written, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)
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