Thursday 15 June 2017

Smile Nigeria: Easy steps to changing MiFi password

If you would like to find out how to change Smile MiFi password, keep reading to know the main steps of password changing.

How to change Smile MiFi password?

So, how to change Smile MiFi password?

First of all, you will need to find your default password to your SMILE MiFi. It is very easy, I will tell you where to find it. You can find it right at the back side of your modem.

In order to change a default password to a preferred one, you need to act in the following way and comply with some essential steps:

Smile MiFi password

• You can connect your SMILE Wi-Fi to the internet. This can be done by using default password which you have already found;

• Open your favourite browser and go to:

http://homerouter.cpe/ or or

• You will need to log in. Type your Username and Password. But be careful, as you won’t be able to change them later;

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• Having completed this step, go to Settings and choose option - Wi-Fi Basic Settings;

• Here you are able to add changes to your SSID, create a new Smile MiFi password, and adjust whatever you want.

• Save all the new settings and enjoy using your new password.


Hope you now have and understand the full information on how to change Smile MiFi password quickly and without any disturbances. Enjoy your Internet connection.

READ ALSO: How to Change Spectranet Wifi Password?

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Smile Nigeria: Easy steps to changing MiFi password
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