Wednesday 31 May 2017

5 good reasons you need the Facebook app now!

Facebook has got the most popular social network app in the world; I mean, think about it, how many people do not know about Facebook or even don’t have a Facebook app? That’s right, you probably can’t think of anybody.

5 good reasons you need the Facebook app now!

All over the world, so many people have become so addicted to Facebook that if they have to stay away from the app for a whole day, it would seem like they have totally missed out of life; this does not come as surprise, Facebook has really worked hard to become so important to many.

Over the years, Facebook has kept looking for way to make being on the social network more fun, easy and interesting for users. Timelines are being tailored to meet every user’s needs as perceived from their interests and the kind of posts they like. Navigation around the page is also very easy for even the least social media savvy users, so there is nothing stopping you from making the most of it.

For all those who have not yet gotten the Facebook app, which is the most convenient way to access the Facebook platform, here are the top reasons to stay on top of your Facebook game daily:

1. Stay connected to friends and family

Facebook is the easiest way to stay in touch with friends and family, as well as keep tabs on them and what they are up to. Everyday people go on Facebook to share pictures, status updates and videos of daily life activities, achievements and interesting events that have taken place in their lives. You in turn also get the opportunity to share what you want with them and keep them updated on what you have been up to. Getting the Facebook app on your mobile device is the sure way to make all of this possible without hassles.

2. Entertainment unlimited

Facebook has all the fun and entertainment you could possibly need, the interesting videos you can find on Facebook are limitless and trending pictures are always available for you. Another beautiful thing about Facebook is that it has a way of prioritizing the kind of posts you like most based on your activities on the page, and delivering them to you first. So just imagine all the fun you can have when you download the Facebook app to gain access to endless entertainment right in the palm of your hands.

3. News at your fingertips

With time Facebook has developed from being just an avenue for meeting friends to actually being one of the most reliable sources of news on the internet. With the Facebook app, you can stay abreast with the most important stories from around the world and never miss a thing on current affairs and global activities. Be it business, politics, life style, whatever your news interests are, Facebook has got you covered.

4. Access to updates on all your interests

There is hardly any modern day organization, establishment or business that does not have an active Facebook page; this is obviously due to the fact that Facebook has become most people’s go-to portal for information. Therefore, just by going on Facebook you can get updates on the things you are interested in, simply by liking and following their Facebook pages. Remember that following a page automatically gives you access to their posts directly from your timeline, so you don’t even have to go searching one by one to get updates, they get delivered to you as soon as something new comes up from them - awesome, right?

5. Business opportunities

It is no secret that Facebook has quickly become one of the best ways to grow your business and even start one! Yes, a lot of people make money simply by meeting customers and clients on social media. Online stores have really become popular amongst many and getting to let people know about your goods and services on Facebook is totally easy. So if you thought Facebook was for just fun, think again, you may be missing out on a good avenue to grow financially.

5 good reasons you need the Facebook app now!

So what are you still waiting for? Download the Facebook app today and see all you have been missing!

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5 good reasons you need the Facebook app now!
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