Saturday, 22 April 2017

Meet the 6 most beautiful female African politicians in 2017 and they know it (photos)

- The list of top six most beautiful female politicians in Kenya is out

- They are young, brilliant, bold, daring, and have got the ‘Wow Factor’

- They plan to be on the ballot come August 2017. Who are they?

The race to August 2017 polls is fast approaching crescendo. Among those salivating for the various top political seats are these young Kenyan women. They are bold, brilliant and arguably the most beautiful breed of female politicians in Kenya today.

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Meet the 6 most beautiful female politicians in Kenya (photos)

Queens of politics

Here they are, listed in no particular order:

1. Anne Waiguru

Who would have imagined the former Cabinet Secretary would become one of the top political contenders in the August 2017 poll after the explosive NYS scandal? Yes, her reputation may have suffered serious dents, but she appears to know what she wants and nothing will stop her from getting it. She is reportedly looking for a powerful political seat in Kirinyaga County.

2. Esther Pasaris

Meet the 6 most beautiful female politicians in Kenya (photos)

Ester Pasaris

Esther Pasaris’ charm is not dead! If anything, her recent dramatic spat with one Miguna Miguna only helped to strengthen her political ambitions. She is arguably one of the cutest, boldest and most brilliant female politicians that Kenya has been blessed with.

3. Millicent Omanga

Meet the 6 most beautiful female politicians in Kenya (photos)

Millicent Omanga

Millicent Omanga may not be very popular yet, as she is one of the relatively new comers in the stormy local political arena. But her arrival is already being felt, especially in Nairobi where she plans to go for the hotly contested Women Representative’s seat. Watch this pace!

4. Karen Njeri Nyamu

Meet the 6 most beautiful female politicians in Kenya (photos)


They call her “Bae wa Nairobi” and for a good reason. Karen Njeri appears to have won the hearts of many with her charm and confidence. She wants to be in the next breed of Woman Representatives in Kenya. Isn’t she worth your vote?

5. Njeri Thorne

Meet the 6 most beautiful female politicians in Kenya (photos)

Njeri Thorne

Robert Kipkemboi should be very worried! With the bold and beautiful Njeri Thorne in the Lang’ata race, things could prove tough for the men who are also eyeing the MP seat in this area, especially because she has all that is needed to clinch the seat. She recently came out to make it clear that she is not a 'love making object' , so men, be warned!

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Meet the 6 most beautiful female politicians in Kenya (photos)

Anne Waiguru (left) and Karen Nyamu.

6. Rachel Shebesh

We cannot talk about beauty, refinement and grace without mentioning Rachel Shebesh, the current Nairobi women rep.

She is the embodiment of beauty, style and adorableness. This is in addition to her strong leadership skills and uncanny ability to tussle it out with men in her field.

She is defending her seat in August and has promised to thrash anyone and everyone who comes close to her throne.

Meet the 6 most beautiful female politicians in Kenya (photos)

Nairobi women rep, Rachel Shebesh

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Meet the 6 most beautiful female African politicians in 2017 and they know it (photos)
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