Sunday 2 April 2017

JUST IN: Boko Haram engage Special Forces in deadly shootout, taunt security forces (video)

Boko Haram terrorists have released a video mocking the Cameroonian Special Forces and boasting that it has not been defeated.

Boko Haram release new video taunting Special Forces

A Boko Haram terrorist in a forested area

This is a sequel to a story reported on Saturday, April 1 about Boko Haram terrorists taunting President Paul Biya of Cameroon and his security forces.

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Boko Haram release new video taunting Special Forces

Terrorists in a fighting zone

In this new video released by Sahara Reporters, the terrorist could be seen engaging in a deadly shootout with security operatives in a forest presumed to be in Nigeria.

Boko Haram release new video taunting Special Forces

Heavily armed Boko Haram terrorist

The Nigerian army has continued to insist that the sect has been defeated except for pockets of violent attacks but the terrorists insist they are still as operational as before.

Boko Haram release new video taunting Special Forces

Boko Haram release new video taunting Special Forces

Boko Haram release new video taunting Special Forces

Boko Harm terrorists mock president Paul Biya

See video below:

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JUST IN: Boko Haram engage Special Forces in deadly shootout, taunt security forces (video)
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