Thursday 13 April 2017

Buhari's anti-corruption campaign comes under scrutiny as government shields president's allies from prosecution

Editor's note: A member of the faculty of the Nigerian Institute of Journalism, Mr Jack Amaso has written on the one-sided anti-corruption war of the present administration, describing it as an unacceptable level of double standards.

Read below:

The 2015 account ....between the maggots and the anti-corruption god, the cheap paint over rusty iron!

Jonathan was such a gentleman, he couldn't hurt a fly... That was the PROBLEM!

If he had gone beyond hurting the fly, to KILLING IT, Beelzebub the lord of flies, wouldn't have given birth to the maggots, that became the fat worms of corruption that devoured vast acres of money!

Between the rust and the maggot, different sides of the same coin - Jack Amaso

President Buhari's anti-corruption fight is being scrutinised

He probably never read read the scripture in Luke 6:26 (KJV):

"Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets."

For what looks like the cheap praise of men and for cheap popularity, the man Jonathan (it seemed) had a filled day of praise, at the expense of the treasury!

Praise for treasury?

Buhari! Such an honest man! So honest that he has been made the god of ANTI-CORRUPTION!

Just the way the fans of Diego Maradonna, the Argentine footballer was made a god, the followers of Mr honest, have elevated him to a god, worshipped in the temple of propaganda, to the worship chants of SAI BABA!

He is so honest, he has refused to disclose the amount he spent on his 49 day medical vacation, (that's what god's do), refuse to be held accountable, to ordinary mortals!

His chief priests, in his temple of propaganda lie.... (sorry) Lai Mohammed, felt the amount, if disclosed would endanger national security, that is an idea of the size of the amount!

Olalekan Adetayo, writing for the Punch newspaper, on March 29, under the headline:


"Buhari had been under pressure to disclose the amount spent on his 49 -day medical treatment in London , saying it is still important for the citizens to know the cost of the President ’s medical treatment abroad.

''The Punch had in line with the Freedom of Information Act sent a letter to the presidency requesting it to provide for public consumption Buhari ’s medical bills incurred in the UK.

But Mohammed said the request should be considered on the basis of national security and morals. He said he was not aware of anywhere in the world where the president was forced to divulge his medical bills .

''The minister said even the FOI Act excluded issues bothering on national security."

Between the rust and the maggot, different sides of the same coin - Jack Amaso

President Buhari has been accused of shielding some of his key allies of corruption charges

His worshipers promptly responded, SAI BABA, in the the temple of propaganda where he is god!

Their anti-corruption god, ran for the office of the president four times, as the "HONESTY MAN" that he is, (by the evidence of his 53 suitcases) he should have disclosed on the pages of newspapers, by providing a detailed break down of those attempts in a tabular form, putting names against figures of donours ,he refused...gods are not accountable to mortals!

His worshipers, again chanted, SAI BABA!

Dino Melaye, the controversial senator from Kogi state, has questions to answer about the circumstances of his graduation from the ABU university. The SAI BABA worshipers from their temple of propaganda, have made all the noise, (forgetting that THOSE WHO COME TO EQUITY, MUST COME WITH CLEAN HANDS) but their principal, SAI BABA himself has refused to publish his own school certificate results, yet he worshipers from that very temple of propaganda chant, SAI BABA!

The vice president, who as ]acting president, went on a tour of Rivers state, (the very state the IG of police can't take his eyes off) was confronted by several projects, that he gave opposition governor Wike a new name, "MR PROJECTS"!

So Rivers state had that much money under Amaechi, Buhari's campaign coordinator, yet very little was done under him, relative to the amount he had?

With this in mind, where did the campaign funds for the 2015 election of Buhari come from, if PDP diverted the funds for arms to the election?

The hypocritical worshipers have refused to see this side of truth, hiding white truth, behind the sunshades of black propaganada, the lie that makes white black, no matter how white!

Mr honest, has refused to probe Mr Ameachi and what do we hear from his temple of propaganda, for this unacceptable level of double standards? you should know by now!

The god of antoi-corruption has gone one step further, urged on by his worshipers. He has given himself the right to vindicate his worshipers who repent! SAI BABA!!

His ally, or peharps worshiper, Col Jafaru Isa returned 170, stolen money. The god of anti-corruption forgave him, over rulling the due process of prosecution (because he is god) , but froze the accounts of Ayodele Fayose, who by law was covered by immunity.

The reaction of his worshippers? SAI BABA from their temple of propaganda!

Their god of anti-corruption now has given himself the power to clear from corruption without due investigation, forgiving his worshipers, no matter their sins of corruption, while finding enemies guilty of corruption and rewarding whistle blowers who blow on his enemies!

The fingers of whistle blowers were pointed at his point man, Abba Kyari, his chief of staff for fraud, the online news facility, Sahara Reporters put it this way:

"President Muhammad Buhari has received concrete evidence that his Chief of Staff (CoS), Abba Kyari, took N500m from operators of MTN to help the telecommunications giant mitigate the fine imposed on it by the federal government, SaharaReporters has learned."

Without any known inquiry, the god of anti-corruption cleared him! SAI BABA's worshipers were cheering him for his one sided anti corruption, god fought war!

Shehu Sani the Ssenator from the same political party as the president (by no means, one of his worshipers) , and one 2019 presidential material, captured the double standard of the corruption fight of the god of anti-corruptionthis way, in response to the letter vindicating one of the point men of the president, his secretary to government:

“This letter is a funeral service of the anti-corruption crusade in Nigeria..... When it comes to fighting corruption in the national assembly and the judiciary and the larger Nigerian scene, the presidency uses insecticide, but when it comes to fighting corruption within the presidency, they use deodorant. That is very unfortunate."

Now that the rain drops of truth are washing off the cheap paint of propaganda, laid over the rust of a visionless compas, revealing the tragedy of double standards, it is clear that all that glittered in 2015 that looked like gold, mistaken for brass has turned out to be RUST....between the RUST and the MAGGOT, indeed, different sides of the same coin!

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Buhari's anti-corruption campaign comes under scrutiny as government shields president's allies from prosecution
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