It is worth remembering that at the filing of application you will need to answer not only the questions regarding yourself but also to know several facts about Nigerian police. To fill a form 2017/2018, it isn’t necessary to make great efforts. Today in Nigeria there are many law enforcement agencies, but main of them is a Nigerian police. They take the main part in the protection of law and order in the country.
Police recruitment form 2017/2018 – How to fill it?
As a part of Nigerian police, there are 371,800 people. The last plan of the Federal government consists in increasing force to 650,000. It means that more than 280,000 people will be invited for further participation to increase the overall number. Nigerian police are one of the largest law enforcement agencies in Africa, limited not only with capital of the country, but also other 36 states of Nigeria, which are grouped into 12 zones and 7 administrative bodies.
READ ALSO: PSC: 110,469 applicants shortlisted for police recruitment
The current chief inspector of police is IGP Ibrahim Kpotun Idris, and he was appointed the president after the former Solomon E. Arase IGP has resigned. He was appointed several months later after Buhari became the president of Nigeria.
The Nigerian police were founded in 1820. Men from Imo state became its first part. The first person who had the highest category in the history of Nigerian police is the Colonel-General of the commissioner of KK. In 1879, the armed militarized Constabulary forces with 1200 participants were created. It has occurred long before independence approached.
In 1894, Niger Coast Constabulary forces were founded in Calabar. In 1888, Royal Niger Company was created. Their main office is located in Kaduna.
These agencies were connected with local authorities because they were operated by the authorities in these areas. At some point, these forces were zoned and nationalized later. This is all that is known from the history of Nigerian Police. Now learn some facts about police recruitment process in 2017.
Police recruitment form 2017/2018 – How to fill it?
Police recruitment Nigeria
The police recruitment form 2017/2018 isn’t available on the police recruitment portal. There are many desperate NPF applicants who are ready for everything to receive a Nigerian form 2017, but before drawing any conclusions and hopes, know that the form still is absent. Police Service Commission (PSC) always announces to the general public when questionnaires become available. As soon as in the organization, there is an available vacancy, it will be told to general public of Nigeria by means of news, on TV, and radio. Every year the Nigerian police accept applications from competent Nigerians for estimated service in the organization.
READ ALSO: Police recruitment process 2017/2018
Police recruitment form 2017/2018 – How to fill it?
The following vacancies are often available: assistant of the cadet, Head of police of ASP, Police Constable Andy, Cadet Inspector, etc. Watch start dates of police recruitment in Nigeria, visit the police recruitment website and look at dates.
As today the form isn’t available yet, you can just study requirements to candidates for receiving a position for police. First of all, applicants have to possess Orsquo. Also, they need to have the following documents: level certificate or its equivalent with the minimum quantity of the credits (5), including the mathematics and English.
Also, you need to fill Guarantors Form. Candidates have to have the corresponding certificate.
Police recruitment site is
Police recruitment form 2017/2018 – How to fill it?
As you can see, the necessary form for participants of Nigerian army isn’t available today. As soon as information appears on the website, you can fill in the questionnaire, previously having paid the sum specified on the website.