One of the most believable stereotypes in society is that men are totally dominative over the wife in marriage. Still, some men prefer a specific type of women who do not prefer to be passive in a relationship.
How to handle a wife after marriage?
Therefore, a nagging wife in marriage become a real pain the neck. Should it be mentioned that at least one time in the month all women are a little bit aggressive? How to handle a wife? Check Top 10 tips on how to handle a wife after marriage!
“Why” question!
How to handle a wife after marriage?
Why does your wife act like that? It`s the first question you should ask yourself. How to handle a wife with anger issues? What if she does not have anger issues? She might never give you the answer directly, but if you are smart – you will find the answer yourself. If you can get the answer from your wife, then try to sit and relax for a while. Analyze the situation, and most of all try to remember your dialogues with her. There you can find some hints about your nagging wife behavior.
Ignore your wife
How to handle a wife after marriage?
If you want to find a solution to a question “How to handle wife during periods,” then the answer is simple – ignore. Some men who managed to handle marriage for a long period can say that if your wife is yelling, then you need to give her some time to blow her steam off. In some cases, your replies, especially if you reply in anger, will give extremely negative effect. When she understands that she is not right, she will feel guilty. Your wife will try to change her behavior and try to find some words to apologize.
Talk to your nagging wife
How to handle a wife after marriage?
If you want to know how to handle a relationship with your wife – you should talk to her. It`s not necessary to talk about her bad behavior lately. Try to find another topic for your dialog, like how was her day or what she thinks about getting out somewhere on the weekend. When you talk with each other – you will improve your understanding of each other. It can work in both ways – she will also understand you. Few days of sincere dialogs with her and you will see the difference.
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Confront her
How to handle a wife after marriage?
You are unable to stand against her is one of the reasons why you are in a position of submission in marriage, and your wife is arrogant and dominative. You can be a kind person who does not like conflicts and prefers to avoid them. Nevertheless, if you keep tolerating her arrogance for too long – you will suffer the consequences. Maybe your wife needs you to stand up for yourself. Sometimes women like when men do not tolerate their whims, but stand up for themselves. They have accustomed that men are dominative in relationships. If you did not manage to show the dominant position during marriage – she would try to fill it.
Escape from routine
How to handle a wife after marriage?
Your wife does not give you breath, and you don’t know how to handle wife who is stubborn? Maybe she acts like that because she is tired of routine? Your wife is certainly irritated with her daily chores. Therefore, if you create some fun on the weekend, she will feel that you worry about her. She will also appreciate your efforts to help her to relax. Moreover, your wife will see you from a completely different angle. This will trigger the process of her changings in the behavior, and you can expect better options for you.
Use your kids
How to handle a wife after marriage?
If you want to know how to handle a wife that lies – use your kids. Your wife can`t feel comfortable if she lies in front of the children that everything is good. If you manage to plan a family vacation and bring your wife to this vacation – you can expect to change in her behavior. She will hesitate to act dominative and stubborn when your children around. Try to play a family game, watch a movie or have a picnic together. Long story short, try to engage your wife into family life and your children`s life, and you will see how quick she can change her behavior.
Choose a new social group
How to handle a wife after marriage?
If you want to know how to handle a wife after marriage, then you shouldn`t be with friends who are Ok with your wife bad behavior. If your circle of friends does not help you to calm down your wife or does not provide any piece of advice for you to stand up your wife - then change your environment. If everybody knows that you are a victim and they do nothing, then do not expect that you will be treated differently. If you chose the right social group, then you can discuss problems connected with your wife. You can also expect some kind of support from the group.
Public refuse
How to handle a wife after marriage?
If you don`t know how to handle a relationship in your house, then do it on public. If you tried to talk to you wife and it did not help, then public humiliation can be your answer. If you are tired from her shouting in front of public, then try to stand up on the public. She will feel ashamed and even go home. After that, you can expect a tough quarrel in the house, but you can pinpoint one argument: “I will do this again if you don`t stop this behavior.” You should be the one who wears pants in the family; it means that you should comfort your wife if she is wrong.
Start taking decisions
How to handle a wife after marriage?
Your wife can be pretty dominative if you are not confident and can take any decision by yourself. Women are more tend to be in a passive position in the marriage. Nevertheless, if she does not see that you can handle taking decisions, then you can expect that she takes a leading role in the family. She should understand that there is a man in the house and he is in charge of a family. Women will be more soften if they feel a responsible and confident man together with them. If you want to know how to handle your wife in bed, then the answer is simple – be dominative. She will not refuse a real man.
Marital Counseling
The last decision for you in the question how to handle a wife with anger issues, then ask the marital counseling. It can also help if you don`t know how to handle a pregnant wife.
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