There are so many things ladies do to please their men all in the name of love. Some even go as far as loosing themselves in the process of doing their best to keep him.
However, the fact that some things are done in the name of love does not guarantee that they are the right things to do.
Below are 6 things you should never do for a man you are not married to:
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1. Doing his chores
Black woman claping
Ladies are fond of doing house chores such as laundry, cooking and cleaning all in the name of love but have you asked yourself who did all these things before you became his girlfriend. Well…doing his laundry and other chores does not guarantee that he will take you to his mother and you are certainly not a slave.
2. Never become a slave to his friends and family
Singer simi behind the writing
In case you are not aware; you have no business in your boyfriend’s parents home or hang out with his friends just because you want to be cool around them. It spells nothing but pretense from you to them. If you respect yourself, they will respect you.
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3. Do not abandon your dreams
Funke Akindele meme
Just because a woman has found the love of her life, doesn’t mean all her dreams have come true. Everyone has secret hopes, dreams and longings for the future. Some ladies dump their dreams just to focus on a man in the name of love. If he truly loves you, he will support and encourage you in whatever it is that you find pleasure in doing.
4. Never give in to demands if you do not want to
Woman praying
Men and women should be equal partners in a relationship. Both are independent human beings with different opinions and ways of doing things. Although learning how to work together might involve adopting new habits and sacrificing the luxury of getting your own way, one person should not be bending to the will of the other.
5. Do not get pregnant
You don’t want to go there
Every lady should have in mind that if your man is up to the task and ready to keep a home, he will never ask you to take out a child. If he is not ready to get married he should come out straight to you instead of giving silly excuses.
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6. Never pay his bills
Negodu biko
Although giving in a relationship ought to be mutual but when but when your man shows traits of a gold digger, kindly run for your life. You’re not a bank account or donor agency to anyone. Even when you give, make sure it’s reasonable and genuine.
Tell us the other things you think should be on this list?