Friday 29 April 2016

African Poetry: 'Cycles within Circle' by Adeosun Oluwapelumi

'Cycles within Circle' by Adeosun Oluwapelumi

"The cycles within the circle remained unbroken"


My muse sought a rupture

A release from pent-up emotions

And silent musing



As seen from my myopic eyes

Is a flash of cycles caught within a larger circle

From dust to flesh and back to dust


Man’s action are repeated

In guises of inimitable evolutions

His good and evil now balanced

Precariously, with the evil weighing more


Kole stole a meat from the pot

His head had became a monument of cusswords

His worthlessness strangulates him

And he must achieve a prowess in something

Academics was an incandescent tong

Which had seen the fury of an angry flame

Thrusted to his chest

Too young for naught else

He sought to please his insatiable parents

With pettiness and sleight of hand

Soon enough

He became an infamous national thief


The law had a sword

That metes out its justice

But upon the flash of green

The sword morphed into an overtly friendly rose


The sword hurts those which it protects

And when the proverb:

‘live by the sword, die by the sword’

Is realised, the government and family

Mourns, blaming the world’s injustice

But the masses rejoices the departure of an unjust


Kole died a wealthy thief

Mum and Dad’s cussword was a prayer answered

He made them both miserably rich

Perhaps, it was a turn of his destiny


Kole was buried like a hero

His heavy purse saw him to the grave but no further

His departed spirit regretted the loss of a better childhood

But who else to blame but his progenitors


When one mourns, another dines

The cycles within the circle remained unbroken

Kole’s tragic childhood was a lesson spread and learnt

But a child without the academic A’s

Is naught else but a useless being that would end up being a thief

At least, Mama Kunle told him so…


This poem was culled from

READ: 'Maiden within the Shadows' by Adeosun Pelumi

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African Poetry: 'Cycles within Circle' by Adeosun Oluwapelumi
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